Tag: parasites

Total 2 Posts

Toxoplasmosis: Don’t Panic! Kitty Isn’t Going Anywhere.

As you all know, toxoplasmosis made the news recently due to a maniac increasing the cost of a life-saving drug treatment by 5,000%.  For many, this is likely the first time they’ve ever had to think about the parasite, but for cat people, toxoplasmosis is a dreaded topic. Of course, this feeling of dread is not because toxoplasmosis represents any significant threat for most people, but rather because we’ve all encountered the tragically misinformed person who, “just had to…

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Fleas: Miserable, Annoying Terrors for both You and Kitty (and how to deal)

Recently, the Cat Connection has received numerous questions regarding fleas and flea treatment. This is no surprise, as DFW’s record-breaking wet spring this year produced an outbreak in flea infestations throughout the metroplex. The rain even jeopardized the feral cat program at Southern Methodist University, and many homes and cats experienced flea issues for the first time. So, with this in mind, here is the Cat Connection’s primer on all things flea-related! Try not to…

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