Yeowww! Catnip Chubby Mouse

Yeowww! Catnip Chubby Mouse

    SKU: Yeowww-Chubby-Mouse

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    Yeowww! Cubby Mouse cat toy is a cat's dream! This bright yellow fun mouse is stuffed to the brim full of organic catnip and oozing scent everywhere. There is no filler, only stuffed to the seams with 100% organic catnip. Measures 3.5 inches long and 2 inches wide this pudgey mouse provides plenty of fun. Great toy for all ages especially appealing to older cats who like to lay around and bat at their toys. All certified USA organic and extremely potent. Made in USA
    Yeowww! Chubby Mouse Catnip Cat toy 

  • Filled to the brim with Organic Catnip 
  • Made in USA 
  • Measures 3.5 inches
  • Made with the most potent catnip buds available 
  • Organic catnip-means free of chemicals or pesticides

  • Yeowww! Catnip Chubby Mouse has not been rated yet.
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