Feliway Comfort Zone Spray

Feliway Comfort Zone Spray

    SKU: Feliway-Spray

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    Portable Spray - For spot application and travel. Comfort Zone Spray with Feliway is great for spot applications to keep your cat from marking or scratching specific areas or furniture. It is also ideal for car trips, visits to the veterinarian and in new environments. Spray the area you do not want your cat to mark, once a day, for at least 30 days. NOTE: Spray only on the area or object, NOT directly on your cat.

    Comfort Zone with Feliway effectively ends urine marking and vertical scratching. Comfort Zone with Feliway also helps comfort cats in stressful situations, such as:

    • Moving to a new home

    • Visitors

    • New pet or family member

    • Travel

    Comfort Zone helps alleviate stress-related behavior, urine marking and scratching by mimicking the facial pheromone secreted by cats. Perhaps you've seen your cat rub his face on objects around your home vhe is depositing facial pheromones to mark the areas that are familiar in his territory. When your cat senses these facial pheromones in areas of your home, he does not feel the urge to urine mark or scratch.

    Pheromones In Nature

    Pheromones are natural chemicals emitted by animals through their skin and glands that help them to communicate with others of the same species. In mammals, the vomeronasal organ, a structure close to the nasal passage, receives these pheromone signals. When animals receive pheromone signals, there is an involuntary behavioral effect on those animals. There are many different types of pheromones and different classes have different effects. For instance, some serve social functions among animals, while others serve sexual functions among animals.

    Feline Facial Pheromones

    Pheromones are natural chemicals secreted by animals to communicate with others of the same species. Comfort Zone with Feliway mimics the feline facial pheromone that helps a cat feel at home in his environment. When your cat rubs his face on an object, or even you, he is releasing the feline facial pheromone that marks the area as familiar and safe. When he senses this facial pheromone through the nasal passage, he recognizes it as familiar and does not feel the urge to urine mark or scratch.

    Reasons Cats Urine Mark

    Cats are solitary, territorial animals and often use marking behaviors as a means of defining their territories. Pheromones released from several areas of their bodies serve as a chemical message to other cats. Although urine marking may be embarrassing to cat owners, this behavior is perfectly natural in cats. Your cat may urine mark for the following reasons:

    • To initiate sexual activity

    • Strange cats visiting the cat's territory

    • New pet or family member in the home

    • Problems with a member of the household

    • Problems with another pet in the home

    • Moving or remodeling the home

    • Visitors to the home

    It is important for you to determine your cat's reason for urinating outside the litter box. Not all of these instances may be urine marking. Evidence of urine marking is normally found on vertical surfaces, about 8 inches above the floor. Only a small amount of urine is discharged in a spraying event. Both male and female cats markveven neutered and spayed cats.

    In contrast, ordinary urination is on horizontal surfaces in larger puddles. Your cat may urinate in the house for several reasons, such as medical problems, old age, a full litter box, or your cat's objection to the location of the litter box. If you are not sure whether you have a marking problem or a medical problem, consult your veterinarian before using any product.

    Common Questions

    1. What does the product do?
    Comfort Zone Spray with Feliway naturally controls urine marking and scratching, calms cats in transport and comforts cats in stressed environments. This unique product is a copy of the naturally occurring facial pheromones present in cats. The presence of these pheromones results in an emotional calming, reducing the cat's impulse to mark its territory.

    Comfort Zone Spray with Feliway has been proven to help reduce your cat's stress in the following environments and situations:

    • New Home

    • Transportation

    • Hospitalization

    • Boarding

    • Introducing a New Cat

    • New Furniture

    • Unfamiliar People

    • Other Animals

    2. How is the product used?
    After cleaning urine affected areas, Comfort Zone Spray with Feliway should be sprayed directly onto the urine marks, as well as onto prominent objects including furniture, drapes, window frames and doorways. Urine marks and prominent objects should be treated 1-2 times daily for 30 days. Urine marks should be cleaned with clear water only, as detergents and other cleansers may degrade the product. One depression of the nozzle should be applied approximately 4 inches from the site, 8 inches from the floor. Only one spray per application site is necessary. Comfort Zone Spray with Feliway should be used at room temperature and shaken before use. If the product is colder than the room in which it will be used, leave it in the room for 1 hour prior to use. Always refer to the package insert for complete instructions for use.

    3. My male cat only marks when the neighbor cat is in heat. Will Comfort Zone Spray with Feliway help?
    Yes. When a male cat is marking in response to the presence of a female in heat (this is usually accompanied by continual calling), it is not necessary to apply Comfort Zone Spray with Feliway on all prominent objects that could be attractive to the cat. In this case, it is sufficient to apply Comfort Zone Spray with Feliway only to the places marked, which are usually near doors and windows.

    4. Can I use Comfort Zone Spray with Feliway to keep my cat calm during transport?
    For transport in a cage, spray the inside of the cage with Comfort Zone Spray with Feliway about 20 minutes before introducing the cat. For transport in a car or other vehicle, spray 3-4 times around the cat's usual place in the vehicle before placing the cat in it.

    5. Will Comfort Zone Spray with Feliway reduce my cat's stress when I have to board him?
    Comfort Zone Spray with Feliway has been proven to reduce stress when boarding. Spray each corner of the cattery accommodation before introducing the cat. Repeat the sprays daily until the cat is observed to rub its head in the areas of the sprays.

    6. How often should the product be used?
    Urine marks and prominent objects should be treated 1-2 times daily for 30 days. With elderly cats, Comfort Zone Spray with Feliway may need to be used for 45 days in the manner described for multiple cat households, then once every 2-3 days for as long as necessary.

    7. Once my cat stops spraying, can I stop using Comfort Zone Spray with Feliway?
    No. For best results, treatment should be continued 1-2 times daily for 30 days.

    8. Will Comfort Zone Spray with Feliway stop a cat from urinating outside the litter box?
    If the cat is directing urine to a vertical surface (marking), Comfort Zone Spray with Feliway is effective in controlling this behavior. For best results, it is important to make a proper diagnosis of behavioral urine marking. If the cat is squatting and urinating on a horizontal surface, there are a number of reasons that cause this behavior, including:

    • Urinary tract infection or crystalluria

    • Inadequate cleaning of the litter box

    • Unacceptable type of litter or litter box

    • Relocation of litter box to busy area

    • Accessibility of litter box (are they blocked by another animal?)

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